Friday, 7 August 2009

Wednesday - The long road to Laramie

After a great nights sleep and a good breakfast we prepared for what tom billed as the most desolate day of the trip. So basically what he meant was there was little or no chance of getting food between rawlins and Laramie, which was 100 miles away, great! Oh and we would also spend the majority of the day climbing, it didn't sound too good.

We set off up the hill towards elk mountain and were immediately met with 12 miles of road works, no fun this time though as the whole road had been ripped up which meant cycling along rumble strips for an hour or so. This also forced us in parts to cycle on the sandy embankment where ben was showing off sone skills by accidently sliding all over the place. Also saw sone other cyclists tracks in the sand.....possibly another idiot trying to get to new York? Who knows!

On the way to elk mountain we saw loads of grass and animals and it was a nice break for the previous desert filled days. Nothing much happened until we got to a rest area at around 7800ft where we filled up our water bottles, met an artist and ate. Our diet for the day consisted of cereal bars, cookies and sweets. We even had ti break out the tesco value emergency flapjacks which had aged quite well considering tom gad imported them into the states and then carried them until we absolutely needed them. All of thus also got us thinking about all the health advice you get these days about junk food and how our parents used to tell you that you can't live on biscuits alone. Well it turns out you can as long as you cycle 100 miles per day anyway!

After the rest area there was sadly somemore uphill miles before we began our descent to larimie. Along the way two 23 wheelers (we were all astounded) passed us carrying the fuselage of some airplane, they were huge! Also saw a house on the back of a truck which was going slower than us and caused a five mile tailback.

We saw a truck stop advertised ten miles from our destination so pulled over in hope of getting some food but sadly it was not yet open for business so we had to endure more emergency flapjacks.

Once arriving in Laramie we went to a wemdys for some much needed food and then found a koa campsite with a plethora of grass. So all in all an uneventful day but we have passed thr thousand mile point and should hit half way by the weekend. Also tomorrow sees us reaching 8700ft but then it's all downhill from there.

Finally a quick update of the injury list..
Jack - twinge in right knee, serious saddle sores, bad back
Ben - puncture-itis
Tom - saddle sores, bad back, bad head

1 comment:

  1. So glad i got an assistant in Tesco to search with me for the highest calorie flapjacks in the store and bought 5 packs ( although she thought I was a bulimic)seemed to have been a lifesaver.


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