Tuesday, 4 August 2009

Tuesday-Excuse us, we have a sprinkler to move

Waking up after an uncomfortable sleep at the back of the rest area, we were glad that the only animal noises we heard were those of Tom's snoring. After packing the tent and a quick snack we set off into the cold summers morning. Jack had managed to lose his gloves somehow and so had to endure freezing hands. Wamsutter was 30 miles away and we were aiming to have a quick ride so we could enjoy some hot food for breakfast. This plan was disrupted by having roadworks close our side of the interstate. Feeling it was too dangerous to share a lane with massive lorries we decided to cycle through the roadworks. Cue having to cycle over freshly laid tarmac, gravel and past angry workman in trucks signalling for us to move to the other side of the interstate. We persisted and arrived in the town of Wamsutter which appeared to consist of just a petrol station and restaurant.

The restaurant itself was a weird experience with old furniture and a telephone by every table. There was a tv that was showing Spanish morning tv in shades of red. Jack ordered a burrito for breakfast and forgot that chips in America means crisps and so was disappointed when he received crisps. Tom wanted eggs cooked the same way as Josh did them but unfortunately the Mexican watress didn't understand this and so he had to order them "over medium". The highway police came in for breakfast and we were a bit worried when they inspected our bikes fearing that the workman had reported us. We quickly left but not before Tom picked up a map of Nebraska which he thought was free but mysteriously had a price on it.

Luckily the roadworks finished soon after and we were on our way to Rawlins. The cycle was pretty boring with the same kind of scenery that we encountered in Nevada although there were a few ups and downs to keep us interested. 5 miles outside of Rawlins, Matt discovered he had a slow puncture and so quickly pumped it up and raced on. Unfortunately this only lasted until we entered Rawlins when the tyre was completely flat. We decided to change it then rather than walk into town and so Matt drew level with Jack in the puncture league with 5 (as two of his supposed punctures were in fact exploding inner tubes). In terms of the puncture league Tom still isn't interested in joining in while we have a late entry by Jeremy who suffered a puncture after giving us all his spare inner tubes yesterday.

We ate at McDonalds and decided to stay in Rawlins for the night even though it was only half 1 as we didn't want to risk being stranded in the middle of nowhere again and we have a tough couple of days coming up. As we had enjoyed our experience at the KOA the other night we thought we would stay at one again and cycled to the outskirts of town. Unfortunately the campgrounds had no grass and consisted of a patch of gravel. Tom went to get our money back and was informed that it was hard to grow grass at 7000ft in the desert. This was surprising seeing as the main reception and rv areas were surrounded by lush green grass. Tom was then asked to move so that they could move a sprinkler that was watering their grass.

Spotting a hotel on the other side of the road we decided to go there to have a comfy night. It turned out to be the most expensive one so far even with a discount for us cycling for charity. We did however get free cookies. Having dinner at another service station was depressing as we become bored of eating rubbish food at inflated prices. Tom enjoyed his soup though as it smelt of his nanas house. The salad bar was uninspiring and jacks chicken was brown inside. We laughed at the time but are beginning to realise that the only reason we are laughing at everything is that we would cry if we didn't. Jack commented that he feels like he been driving along the interstate for days, only slower. Having a quick look for souvenirs we found a small figurine of a rabbit with antlers which sums up the surrealness of our experiences in Wyoming.


  1. NFL don't try and claim that they weren't punctures- they clearly were and so it would seem that you are winning! in a backwards sort of way...

  2. Wow Rawlins looks like a lovely place really buzzing with life! Google street view is pretty fun :)

  3. Feel my pain! I live in this country now!!! Keep up the good work, will take you for some good food in NY! xxx Ian

  4. Stay strong x

  5. Keep up the good work guys. We arrived in Sturgis and quickly got rained upon. We will have to share some more Pizz/Marshmellows when you have the time. Keep peddling!!


  6. The weird rabbit would be a Jackalope! I think it is unofficially the Wyoming state animal - Josh

  7. Keep writing the blog - it cheers me up when I'm bored at work (which is quite often.

    Well done, all of you for getting this far in spite of the weird folk you seem to meet - something to do with 'it takes one to know one'??

    From Jack's favourite Auntie


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