Thursday, 20 August 2009

Wednesday - Papa don't preach

Great start to the day with a good breakfast courtesy of the wingate hotel. After eating that we cycled thru downtown Lima and back out to the sticks again. Met anothr cyclist on the way who was out for his morning cycling and was moving quick, he told of his concern for our bums then headed off in another direction.

We had breakfast in upper Sandusky at a little cafe. Here they tried to understand what we were doing and tried to offer directions, directions which infact were for the long way round so we ignored them. One lady was also bemused by the town we were heading to next and was convinced it didn't exist even thou a guy in the cafe had lived there and I showed her it on the map.

Nothing much happened until we arrived in buchryus were we got shouted at by a preacher whilst at some traffic lights. We laughed and cycled on but then realised we needed directions so jack offered to go and speak to the shouty man. After a ten minute argument about the bible and harry potter jack informed the guy that all he wanted was directions. The bearded sunglasses wearing preacher pointed us in the right direction and we were off.

After a series of long hills we stopped again this time for a subway and to pick up somesupplies for dinner. Spokey and ben opted for meatballs in a tin whereas jack went for salmon and peaches. After more ip and downhill we stopped for a food break as tom was low on sugar and had the shakes, here ben informed us that he thought he had picked up another puncture. Great. We cycled on regardless and found the road that lead to the campsite which was, according to a local, a mile long. Ben opted to walk this mile while spokey and jack went to setup the tent. It turned out to be a lot further than a mile leaving ben a long walk with a busted bike.

The country stage campground was ok but the showers were a bit messy and encased in insects which wasn't so fun. After setting up the tent we cowered from the impending storm whilst eating our tinned dinners and trying to figureout how we would get to new york. The storm raged through the night but luckily the tent held up and we all stayed dry.

Now for bens five facts/observations about the USA.....

1. In a typical day you will see more dead animals than people walking around
2. Ice is not served as an accompanyment to your drink, your drink is served as an accompanyment to your ice
3. Each town has a sign listing it's claim to fame, my favourite was Newton, Indiana where they informed us that they had been the 2005 National Soil Judging Champions
4. All the young people of the US seem to have disappeared as we have only seen a couple since being here
5. Stating that you haven't had a puncture for 8 days will result in you being the victim of 5 punctures in 3 days


  1. As for Ben's observation about the ice, I couldn't agree more. I always ask for no or just a little ice so I can have some of the drink I wanted in the first place. As for the dead animals.... haven't you been introduced to America's famous "Road Kill Cafe" I'm sure one of those little towns had one or at least a sign laying claim to it. The Murphy's @ lyman KOA Cheers and toast some marshmellows.

  2. Can you hurry up and come home I need ideas for original fancy dress.

  3. Hope you guys are having fun and i hope the tent air freshener is working!!!!!

    Love Jacks fav couz

    P.S nows the time to change your pants


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