After our night out with the girls on Monday night Tuesday was a complete write off where the boys spent the day in bed feeling awful and hurting all over.
Tom did however manage to fight the various pains he was feeling in order so that he could spend all day on facebook catching up on some e-flirting with his various fractions, some things never change. We went out for a dirty lunch of Fat Burger with the girls before they headed back to blighty later that afternoon. More sleeping followed until we went out in the evening with our hosts to a typical american pub where we ate some ribs and other stuff and had a couple of beers before heading back to the apartment for more sleep.
On Wednesday we managed to pluck up some strength to drag ourselves over to Manhatten to do a bit of sight seeing which consisted of a bit of cycling around Manhatten, bus touring and shopping in Soho as we had no clothes of any quality that could be donned on a night out in NYC.
Great architecture in NYC, old against new.
More great shots from the top of the bus.
Wednesday night saw us go for a tour around China town for some authentic food. We ate these soup dumplings which were dumplings full of soup and then had some chinese bubble tea which is cold tea with tapoica, our new favourite tipple. After getting fed we were shown the wonders of an arcade in china town. Here we watched some mental moves on dance dance revolution by some stacked black dude, some chinese kids and an old lady. It was such a special and surreal experience that Jack took it upon himself to film the whole occasion so you guys can enjoy it time and time again.
Thursday saw us doing some more sight seeing and photo taking around NYC. We also all bought shoes from the most reputable store in NYC, Topman. The day also saw us wander back to china town to look for rubbish souveniers, get a free massage and most importantly get somemore bubble tea.
Borat with an M&M.
More china town hair gel based fun.
In the evening we had the most anticipated moment of the trip so far, our debuts on internet radio station Ian, Phoebe and Tors joined us in the studio where we met DJ Supreme, Bad Ass Brunette (aka Rosie) and Saint. Here we had a general chit chat about our trip and filled them in on topics such as Bens impending engagement, our worst moments and whether or not we would be bothered if one of our friends dated our mum/dad. The guys at DTFRadio recorded the show for us and put it here where we feature around 40mins in for about an hour or so have a listen, its good.
Us in the studio doing our thing.
Just one more night left in NY where we plan to go and get drunk again before travelling straight to the airport, trying to blag first class and then passing out on the plane.
Last thing to say really is a big thanks to everyone that we met and helped us out along the way, you made our lives a lot easier and a lot less boring! Cheers again and until next time.......